Book Review Requests/Policy

Book Review Policy

The Backwater Primer accepts review requests in the YA, horror, fiction, and some nonfiction.  I will make exceptions for some scifi, dystopian, and fantasy novels.  I love Amish Christian fiction and Christian fiction in general!  I will not review any romance novels or biographies nor business or anything of the like. I accept review copies from large publishers, eBook publishers, and from requesting authors. I also will be more than willing and happy to accept requests from independent publishers, but if they’re not in the genres that I mentioned above, I will most likely decline. Please use the form at the bottom of this page to send your book quiry for review.  Please also give a brief synopsis of your book, page length, title, and I will reply back to you within 24 hours.

Whilst I do my best to review books in a timely manner, in some cases, there might be a delay. Also, please be aware I do not and cannot review every book I receive, and I can’t accept every review request.

We accept review copies in paperback, but I preference is e-ARC copies, either in .mobi for Kindle or .pdf.

I’m super honest in my reviews, so pretty please with sugar on top, don’t go sending me hate mail if I give your book a bad review. I’m critiquing the book and not the author personally.


Rating Scale

This is whatI grade on:

A(+/-) = the book totally rocked the awesome train all the way to awesomeville.

B(+/-) = I really enjoyed the book, and it was a good solid read.

C(+/-) = I liked it, but there were some issues with it.

D(+/-) = I didn’t like it because of a LOT of issues we found with it.

F(+/-) = I really, really disliked your book.

DNF = I did not finish it because I got so frustrated that the temptation to chuck the book or my Kindle against the wall was very strong.



Thank you!
