32 Years Today


Today I have walked upon this earth amongst the Earth beside the Lord for 32 years today. My dear Grandmother has also walked upon this Earth beside the Lord for 70+ years.  I was born about 2pm-ish on a Tuesday afternoon.  They say that Tuesday’s child is full of grace…

Tuesday's Child...

For most of my mid teens and adult life I have struggled with physical/health problems and overcome some but still have many more to overcome. There are still goals I need to accomplish that I wanted to accomplish prior to turning 30 years old that include getting married, kids, getting a book published, losing weight owning a home with land, barn, and some animals.  However, the kids are going to have to wait a few more years because we are going to have to adopt, which means things having to be re-ordered.  We are finally getting married this August though.

Mother Goose Nursery Rhyme

I have learned a lot in my 32 years though not just on my own but through other people.  I owe a lot to my parents, my grandparents, my fiancee, my dearest few close friends, my family, and those that I have met online.  I have grown in areas from my spiritual life to homemaking to writing.  All to which I am very thankful.  Last and certainly not least, I have to thank the Lord, who has always been my side, through thick and thin.
I also have to thank my wonderful fiancee, Chris.  He has been there with me every minute through every struggle, every moment of joy.  He has accepted me as I am.  Chris loves me despite every fault.  That I am imperfect.  And that means the world to me.
I still have more than half my life to accomplish my goals.  But I want to do them whilst I am young.  So I enjoy them and reveal in them.  I sit here at quarter to 11 here in the morning on a chilly 19F WNY snowy morning and try not to dwell on my past failures and the things I still need to do.  32 is just another number.  Rather instead, I sit here and count my blessings.  The fact that I have a warm house, a soft blanket to cuddle with, the bestest fiancee in the world, a step son, and a family that love me dearly, and the bestest best friend in the whole world.  I couldn’t ask for anything more.  🙂


Happy Birthday to anyone else celebrating their birthday today and everyone else, please have a blessed Sunday and enjoy the rest of your weekend!


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2 thoughts on “32 Years Today

    1. Hi, Rebekah! Thank you! We aren’t sure yet who we want to go through for adoption. We have been thinking about going through foster care first and see if any doors open through there or if not, go through an agency. It is the $$$ that is an issue first and foremost. And we have to move from this tiny two bedroom apartment into a bigger place and that will hopefully be next year. We are hoping in the timeframe of the next 5-10 years. We aren’t getting any younger… :/


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