GiveThanks Challenge x7 2016

Yesterday, I joined KBR Ministries GiveThanks Challenge x7 2016.  This is my second year in a row doing this challenge.  It’s a great way to learn how to be thankful for 30 days in a row, humble thyself, and meet some very lovely and inspirational like-minded people.  I have posted the information below about the challenge.  My bff and I are doing it together and are accountability partners.  You may click the picture to take you to site to sign up if you’re interested.


KBR Ministries’ 2016

With the Thanksgiving season approaching, let us challenge one another in giving thanks to the Father of all gifts every day this month. You are invited to join us for the next 30 days as we praise Him for His daily benefits!

You are welcome to ask a sibling or accountability partner to take this challenge with you!

Begins: November 1, 2016

Ends: November 30, 2016

Rules: Write down at least 7 things each day that you are grateful for!

You can either write your list each day in your own personal journal, or join us on our private online group, where members can write their daily lists throughout the month. It’s a blessing to lift up grateful hearts together!

If you miss a day, please make it up the next day.

Reward: Send us a letter by December 5, 2016, letting us know that you completed the 2016 GiveThanks! challenge. You can fill out this chart OR simply write a letter including your name, age, parent’s signature, and mailing address. On the envelope, please specify “GIVE THANKS CHALLENGE.” We will send you a surprise prize for completing the challenge!

(We’re sorry, email letters do not qualify for a prize. Letters postmarked after this date cannot be rewarded. )


I hope to see you guys there!

Till Next Time,


In Old English, September is called Haervest-monath(Harvest Month).  This is time when the harvest is gathered, ready and put up for the winter months.  September’s name comes from the Latin word septem, meaning “seven”.  This month

Mary Howitt quote meme


This year, Labor Day, (the first Monday in September), falls on the 5th.  Did you know Canadians also celebrate Labour Day as well?

Patriot Day is observed in the U.S. on 11 September or 9/11.

patriots day

Grandparents’ Day is also celebrated on 11 September  too!  Please honor your grandparents(if you still have them) today and every day.  I have two Grandma’s left whom are alive and kicking in their 80s! 🙂


Fall is right around the corner!  The Autumnal Equinox falls on 23 September this year.  At this moment, there is an equal amount of daylight and darkness hours in a day.  Find you current sunrise and sunset HERE.


The month is then wrapped up on 29 September with Michealmas, an ancient Celtic “Quarter Day”.  This day was marked with the end of the harvesting and steeped heavily in folklore.

St. Micheal
St. Micheal

Some seasonal all-time favorites to bake would be:

Apple Pie Recipe by Grandma Ople
Apple Pie Recipe by Grandma Ople


Autumn Cheesecake Recipe
Autumn Cheesecake Recipe
Apple Crisp Recipe
Apple Crisp Recipe








This is a great time Martins on TM12 300to prepare winter bird seed for those of our feathered friends who stay around in the winter.



Full Harvest Moon
Full Harvest Moon



The Full Harvest Moon will be making its annual appearance on 16 September 2016 3:05P.M. EST.  There will also be other night sky events going on this month as well.


Some Folklore For This Month:

  • Heavy September rains bring drought
  • September blow soft, till the fruit’s in the loft
  • Married in September’s golden glow, smooth and serene your life will go
  • If the storms of September clear off warm,  the storms of the following winter will be warm
  • Fair on September 1st, fair for the month
September's Flower-Asteraceae(Aster amellus)
September’s Flower-Asteraceae(Aster amellus)
Sapphire, September's Birth Stone, which was once thought to guard against poisioining and evil
Sapphire, September’s Birthstone, which was once thought to guard against poisoning and evil
September's other flower, the Morning Glory(Convolvulaceae)
September’s other flower, the Morning Glory(Convolvulaceae)


fall is here
I’m excited! Are you?

What are you looking forward to(or baking) this fall?  I’d love for you to continue the conversation below.  And if you’ve liked this post, please tic like below and give it a share if you’ve really liked it.  Thanks 🙂

Till next time~


I had made some crosses out of the palm fronds my stepson had brought me home from mass this morning.  They weren’t that hard to make at all.  I think I may just dry the other ones I have left to use in floral arrangements this summer or even behind some pictures.

2015-03-29 16.45.03I will dry these for about a week before putting them up round our house so we can keep them up for the year.

The Catholics believe that these supposedly protect your home from fire.

Do you keep the fronds up around the home and/or do anything crafty with them?  I would love to hear about it!  Plz leave me a comment below and continue the conversation.

I hope everyone had a blessed Palm Sunday today!


vintage bluebird signature EDIT

32 Years Today


Today I have walked upon this earth amongst the Earth beside the Lord for 32 years today. My dear Grandmother has also walked upon this Earth beside the Lord for 70+ years.  I was born about 2pm-ish on a Tuesday afternoon.  They say that Tuesday’s child is full of grace…

Tuesday's Child...

For most of my mid teens and adult life I have struggled with physical/health problems and overcome some but still have many more to overcome. There are still goals I need to accomplish that I wanted to accomplish prior to turning 30 years old that include getting married, kids, getting a book published, losing weight owning a home with land, barn, and some animals.  However, the kids are going to have to wait a few more years because we are going to have to adopt, which means things having to be re-ordered.  We are finally getting married this August though.

Mother Goose Nursery Rhyme

I have learned a lot in my 32 years though not just on my own but through other people.  I owe a lot to my parents, my grandparents, my fiancee, my dearest few close friends, my family, and those that I have met online.  I have grown in areas from my spiritual life to homemaking to writing.  All to which I am very thankful.  Last and certainly not least, I have to thank the Lord, who has always been my side, through thick and thin.
I also have to thank my wonderful fiancee, Chris.  He has been there with me every minute through every struggle, every moment of joy.  He has accepted me as I am.  Chris loves me despite every fault.  That I am imperfect.  And that means the world to me.
I still have more than half my life to accomplish my goals.  But I want to do them whilst I am young.  So I enjoy them and reveal in them.  I sit here at quarter to 11 here in the morning on a chilly 19F WNY snowy morning and try not to dwell on my past failures and the things I still need to do.  32 is just another number.  Rather instead, I sit here and count my blessings.  The fact that I have a warm house, a soft blanket to cuddle with, the bestest fiancee in the world, a step son, and a family that love me dearly, and the bestest best friend in the whole world.  I couldn’t ask for anything more.  🙂


Happy Birthday to anyone else celebrating their birthday today and everyone else, please have a blessed Sunday and enjoy the rest of your weekend!


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Hi, my lovely readers. I wanted to share some Christmas some going-on’s in our home. From our family to yours, we wish you a happy, safe, and blessed Christmas and New Year. We are praying that the Lord will bring amazing changes into our lives in 2015. But for now, we will remember and be thankful that Christ was sent here for our salvation. Please enjoy these pictures and after a brief break where will we will visit family and I will try to rest up for my upcoming surgery in January, I will return Saturday to bring you more great posts.

My Grandmother quilts and made these quilt square ornaments.


I love this ornament!
I love love love Nutcrackers!!! I have a complete set of 12 ornaments for the tree plus several small little tiny ones and tall ones.



The bulb is one Chris's Mom gave is. I love the inticate lavender detail in it, how delicate and vintage it is.
This is one I got as a child.



My Grandma bought this for me about 6 years ago and we have used it on our tree since Chris and I's first Christmas.
My cousins and I made this almost 15 years ago at my Grandparent's house one Christmas.







The last few photos I got a little creative.
I will see y’all this weekend.  : )

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The Constant, Never-Ceasing Battle..

Once again, I am fighting this endless battle with insomnia.  Sleep never came.  I think a major part of it is in part to this daylight savings time

I thought this one was kind of funny :/
I thought this one was kind of funny :/

business.  So I will be up all night, tv on and sharing the couch with the dog.

I might as well get caught up with projects that I have fallen behind too, so look forward to some things transpiring in the AM and through the day tomorrow.

Like they say, there will be no rest for the weary.  Coffee and cigarettes are my dearest and bestest friends that will ride alone with me this

How true LOL
How true LOL

morning.  I must keep persevering no matter how tired and overworked I am.  😉

Good night and good morning and good day, my dear readers!  🙂



Matthew 11:28-30 King James Version (KJV)

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

haha...but are all of us women really slave drivers?  :/
haha…but are all of us women really slave drivers I wonder??? :/

Job 3:17-19 King James Version (KJV)

“There the wicked cease from troubling; and there the weary be at rest.

There the prisoners rest together; they hear not the voice of the oppressor.

The small and great are there; and the servant is free from his master.”